
Showing posts from January, 2023

Late ups for Self Discoveries < 01/17/23 >

This term particularly this subject had made me realize lot's of things I can do for myself! I realize How BUSY I am as a person that I can't even do this requirement on a daily basis, I  only slept 3-4 hours daily and spend lot's of time working and for my study, I don't even have much time for myself. My poor self! My poor me! How sad, but despite the hectic schedule I have, one thing I've discovered to myself is that, I am not giving up. Although I am updating this blog late, I can still manage to post the required task, and I am so proud of that. There should'nt be a reason why I can't do this, I realized, if you are too determine to reach your goal, you will endure all the hardship. So thank you for this subject. I atleast understand part of myself now. šŸ˜‰

Late Ups for Self-care Plan

New year! New resolutions! Well I bet I can do this, mu previous New years resolutions were mmmmm, well some we're followed but most of it was not. But this year I wanted to make some difference, let's make it simple. This year I would be more foccus on developing a regular sleep routine, practice and aim for a healthy lifestyle, take rest when tired and exhausted from work or school, pamper myself atleast once a month (like get my nails done, massage, footspa and maybe will try will facial works not sure but well seešŸ˜œ), travel atleast once in every quarter and SAVE MONEY! Not that hard right? Hopefully we can do it selfšŸ˜˜

Dear Future Self! ~ lateups for < 01/15/23 >

Hi my dear Future Self! I hope when this time comes, you now have fulfilled your dreams and were happy and contented on how things turns out. You've overcome lots of things, you're brave, strong, determined and self-driven person. You deserve your successful study, relationship and career. Breathe, relax and savour every moment of your life. Make yourseld happy, do the things you want to do, do not limit yourseld hy doubting too much. Go and explore things you haven't done before. Life is too short. Travel, spoil your family and parents and Get married! Haha šŸ˜‚❤️

Dear Preset-self ^_~

 For my present self, good job! You may not there yet to what you are really looking yourself to be like, but definitely you are already far from where you are before. You've done a lot and already proven  that you can do everything with hardwork, determination and courage. Just keep going self, there might be lot of people who wants to bring you down and that  looks down on you but please don't mind them, just keep going and FOCCUS to your goal. Slowly by slowly we will MAKE IT THERE.

Dear Past-Self ^_~

Dear past self, you've been through a lot, you were tired I know! You've conqured things and struggles that a normal teenager would not possibly be able to slay, buy you did! You were able to surpass it with enough strength, dignity and courage, so just keep going, don't stop to chase your dream, do what ever you want and stop thinking of what people may think about you and how you look, please take good care of your self. Maintain your posture, pamper yourself and don't forget to reward yourself sometimes. Don't be too hard to yourself. Fighting gurl! Fighting! šŸ’ŖšŸ˜‰šŸ’šŸ˜‚

Late ups for < 01/12/23 >

This will be the last day I will be logging all my daily activities, yet it somehow becomes norm to me to look back what happen the whole day then thought of the things I can say I am grateful about. Yesterday seems to be a sad day, however, this hapoening that is out of our conteol should not stop us to moved forward. Today, we celebrated the 6th birtthday of my nephew, this is indeed something we should be grateful, the gift of another year and extended life, the  fun memories we have created and shared together and for the gift of loving family.

Late Ups ~ Day < 01/11/23 >

This day reminds me a very sad memory  as today is the death anniversary of my cousin. As practice by Catholic  tgey already conducted novenas for the past 8 days and today is the 9th day meaning we have to go to his tomb and also speak prayers there at the same time reminisce the memories we all have when he was still alive. It saddened us so much yet I know that living here on earth is just a previlige so I should always be grateful for the air I breathe everyday, the guidance and protection given by the most high, and speacially for the gift of life. Our life is indeed short, they say YOLO, but if we utilize it properly, ONCE is morethan enough šŸ˜Š

Late Ups for < 01/10/23 >

Today is the day! Nothings so special but once again I am so excited of going back to our province tomorrow January 11, 23 is the first death anniversary of my cousin, so me and my family decided that  I should take half day from my work schedule today so we can travel early, and so I did.  Despite of a very tiring 4 hours travel. I get to enjoy the moment and spend time with my family. I can't be grateful enough for the safe travel today, for the family bond and the gift of loving family.

Late Ups for < 01/09/23 >

 What's next? Another catching uo with this pretty & witty G-friend of mine. After watching Avatar for 3 long hours, we went to Zarcks Burger and take their Jawbreaker challenge for 5 min. Believe me, we tried our very best yet we didn't make it, we ended up paying for the meal ^_^ It was one of a kind experience as we already thought of posting our picture to their wall of fame. Therefore, never really celebrate in advance ^_^ (kidding! Just do what you want it's your life after all). Let's always be grateful for the gift of time, food and friendshipšŸ˜˜

Late Ups for < 01/08/23 >

 Another hectic schedule and catching up with my food buddies! Knowing that sooner or later we will be disbursed to differentt departments we made sure that befor this happens we can still atleast spend one day to catch up and reminisce together the moments we spend together. It's an emotional catching up, we really can't stop our tears whenever we talked about our past experiences and struggles together. Still grateful for another year! We just really hope for the best and always thought of that one saying, "if one doors closes another one open".  I am grateful for the friendship that I have found morelike sisters, the new year, challenge and opportunities that will come and ofcourse with the job I have. Cheers to new Hope!

Late Ups for < 01/07/23 >

 After my grandfather passed away last year, I am left with no one to talk about life. I am very close to my grandfather and I am always comforted whenever I share my burdens and all my worries about life to him. But today, I am so glad that O was able to somehow open up my feelings and emotions to my grandmother and also spend time to her. We went to SM City Davao and bond together with my couzin and brother. If there's three things I am mostly grateful about, that would be the gift of life, health and safety. It's comforting when you have someone to listen with all your nonsense worrisome and someone who would give you advices and guidance about life base from their own experience. I am indeed so lucky! Love yah Grandma!

Late Ups < 01/06/23 >

They say it's not easy find a job that is in your preference and I am so grateful that this company where I work at is very generous to their employee, specially the taks that I do dialy is not that stressful. However today is quiet different, we receive a bad news that our client will put out their business  from the company, therefore all employees  will be disbursed to different departments/accounts, which only means that those people I've worked with for how many years, make bond with, wont possibly be working together in one production floor and sepanx will hit me hard again :( Despite of this bad news, I am still grateful that I am with the same company still, that I have met those people and made memories with them and lastly, that I am still earning salary that will help me survived daily.  Indeed, the only constant in this world is change. So, my dear friends, let's just savour and enjoy the remaining days of being together.  Have a great day!


 Late ups < 01/05/23 > For todays Activity we were ask to take a test of our Personality and I am gladly share ring you the result of my Personality Test. Enjoy! Mind - Introverted 78% ~ Extroverted 22% Energy - Intuitive 68% ~ Obervant 32% Nature - Feeling 56% ~ Thinking 44% Tactics - Judging 58% ~ Prospecting 42% Identity - Turbulent 71% ~Assertive 29% Hope you enjoyed!