Late Ups < 01/06/23 >

They say it's not easy find a job that is in your preference and I am so grateful that this company where I work at is very generous to their employee, specially the taks that I do dialy is not that stressful. However today is quiet different, we receive a bad news that our client will put out their business  from the company, therefore all employees  will be disbursed to different departments/accounts, which only means that those people I've worked with for how many years, make bond with, wont possibly be working together in one production floor and sepanx will hit me hard again :(

Despite of this bad news, I am still grateful that I am with the same company still, that I have met those people and made memories with them and lastly, that I am still earning salary that will help me survived daily. 

Indeed, the only constant in this world is change. So, my dear friends, let's just savour and enjoy the remaining days of being together. 

Have a great day!
