Late ups for Self Discoveries < 01/17/23 >

This term particularly this subject had made me realize lot's of things I can do for myself! I realize How BUSY I am as a person that I can't even do this requirement on a daily basis, I  only slept 3-4 hours daily and spend lot's of time working and for my study, I don't even have much time for myself. My poor self! My poor me! How sad, but despite the hectic schedule I have, one thing I've discovered to myself is that, I am not giving up. Although I am updating this blog late, I can still manage to post the required task, and I am so proud of that. There should'nt be a reason why I can't do this, I realized, if you are too determine to reach your goal, you will endure all the hardship. So thank you for this subject. I atleast understand part of myself now. 😉
